The lazy programmer scripts
scripts that work

Lazy configure wi-fi hotspot on Windows GitHub

The script needs to be run in a Powershell or a cmd session.

This script configures and starts a wi-fi hotspot on Windows.

Tested on Windows 10 x64.


# How to set up:
# How to debug:

$password = "myverystr@ngp@ssw0rd"
$SSID = "MyAwesomeHotspot"

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=$SSID key=$password
netsh wlan start hostednetwork

# if the start does not work, check in Device Manager, under Network Adapters,
# the "Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter" to be enabled.
# To make sure this adapter is shown, in Device Manager/View, click on
# "Show hidden devices"

# In order to have Internet connection, make sure you share the connection
# which has Internet access with the local area connection of the type
# "Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter", which has the name the SSID
# you previously set.

That's all, folks!

Written by kami on Wednesday January 6, 2016
Permalink - Tags: windows, powershell, cmd, networking

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