Lazy build from source apache2 with HTTP/2 support 
This script builds apache2 on Linux with HTTP/2 protocol support.
Tested on Ubuntu 15.04.
Ubuntu 14.10 and 15.04 come by default with apache2 version 2.4.10.
The minimum required version for apache2 with HTTP/2 support is 2.4.17, downloadable from
More information about HTTP/2:
More information on how to build apache2 and configure with HTTP/2 support:
Clients that support HTTP/2 protocol are latest version of curl with libcurl http2 support, Mozilla Firefox Nightly or Google Chrome Canary.
Make sure you do not have apache2 already installed and running on port 80.
#!/bin/bash set -e APACHE_INSTALL_DIR="/home/user/apache2" APACHE_VERSION="httpd-2.4.17" APACHE_SRC_FILE="${APACHE_VERSION}.tar.gz" APACHE_DEPS="apache2-dev libapr1-dev libaprutil1-dev libpcre3 libpcre3-dev lynx" NGHTTP2_DEPS="autoconf automake autotools-dev libtool pkg-config zlib1g-dev libcunit1-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev libevent-dev make binutils libjansson-dev libjemalloc-dev cython python3.4-dev python-setuptools" #Install required dependencies sudo apt-get install -y $APACHE_DEPS # Download apache2 sources wget $APACHE_SRC_FILE # Unarchive the source files tar -xzvf "${APACHE_VERSION}.tar.gz" pushd $APACHE_VERSION # Build from source nghttp2 git clone pushd nghttp2 sudo apt-get install -y $NGHTTP2_DEPS autoreconf -i automake autoconf sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local sudo make sudo make install popd # Build apache2 sudo ./configure --enable-http2 --prefix=$APACHE_INSTALL_DIR sudo make sudo make install # now we should have $APACHE_INSTALL_DIR/bin/httpd and apachectl binaries sudo chown -R www-data.www-data "${APACHE_INSTALL_DIR}/htdocs" sudo "${APACHE_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/apachectl" -k start # now if you navigate to http://localhost you should see "It works!" # enabling http/2 protocol sudo tee -a "${APACHE_INSTALL_DIR}/conf/httpd.conf" <<DELIM LoadModule http2_module modules/ <IfModule http2_module> LogLevel http2:info </IfModule> Protocols h2c http/1.1 DELIM sudo "${APACHE_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/apachectl" -k restart
That's all, folks!