The lazy programmer scripts
scripts that work

Lazy Windows show stats GitHub

The script needs to be run in a Powershell session.

This script shows the processor usage and the memory usage(%).

Tested with PowerShell version >= 4

$script = 'while ($true) {

    $ps = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Processor
    $index = 0
    foreach($p in $ps) {
        $index = $index +1
        if ($p.Loadpercentage) {
            $deviceId = $p.deviceid
            Write-Progress -Id $index -Activity "Processor-$deviceId" `
                -Status "Usage->" -PercentComplete $p.LoadPercentage 

    $mem = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem
    $usageMem = 100 - ($mem.TotalVisibleMemorySize - `
    if ($usageMem) {
        Write-Progress -Id ($index+1) -Activity "Memory" -Status "Usage->" `
            -PercentComplete $usageMem

    start-sleep 1

$scriptName = "show-stats.ps1"
$path = Join-Path $env:temp $scriptName
echo $script > $path

$processP = Start-Process -NoNewWindow `
    -FilePath "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" `
    -ArgumentList "-file $path" -PassThru
$pPid = $processP.ID
Write-Host "To stop this process, run 'Stop-Process $pPid'"

That's all, folks!

Written by kami on Monday September 28, 2015
Permalink - Tags: windows, powershell

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